NDSM - Public Art Counter

How do artists, culture funds, or property owners know how many people visit art projects in public space?

The Challenge

The NDSM wharf is an innovative city district in the north of Amsterdam. This former shipyard is home for pioneers and open to the public 24/7 hosting many activities, installations and large scale events. Stichting NDSM Werf is responsible for the curation and implementation of many public art installations in the district. Many of the cultural grants that are awarded ask for visitorship and attendance of the art pieces. Without tickets sales, how do you count vistorship when there are no ticket sales for art in public space? Tapp was tasked to deploy a safe solution to actively monitor the number of people visiting henk Schut’s art piece entitled “IN TUNE”

The Solution

On this cultural hotspot we deployed PublicEye, 2 cameras enabled with an algorytm to anonymously count how many people visit IN TUNE on the Y-slope of the NDSM-wharf. This also helps the way NDSM manages the area in a sustainable way so that the public can fully enjoy the NDSM-wharf. Using this system, Tapp can provide insights every 1 minute directly to Stichting NDSM Werf and visiting guests on a public dashboard. 

The data that is generated becomes valuable insights for the Stichting NDSM Werf, facility manager(s), community members and visitors alike. The data can be easily used for annual reports, project reviews and future planning processes.

Location: NDSM Werf, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Year: 2023

Duration: 1 Year

Data: https://www.mt-dashboard.nl/admin/goto/nV1zC-EIz
