2 years of Busyness Data

This data visualisation project explores how people use our inner city living lab on the Marineterrein Amsterdam during 8 seasons, in 4 public spaces and 1 pandemic. There are fascinating stories behind each date and data set summarizing activities like the amount of people in the picnic area, swimmers in icy water and athletes in the rain.


Many thanks to Sjoerd Ponstein for championing this project and writing a great article about it in his latest article (in Dutch): https://lnkd.in/eqtHsfuy

This urban data project was made possible by partners AMdEX who made the data available to the talented data journalist Aurore Paligot, PhD and skillful Codam College student / #React developer Haroutioun Achtchian. The busyness data was collected from PublicEye - the responsible crowd monitoring solution from co-developed by Gemeente Amsterdam, Innovatieand #ai enegineer Markus Pfundstein.